Thursday, September 27, 2012

Introduction to the book of claw

There are literally hundreds of thousands of quotes out there, that inspire us, make us laugh, and open our minds. From people we know, to those we don't, it doesn't matter. It is the quote that matters. I've been collecting quotes for years, ones I feel that have an impact. At least, an impact on yours truly.

There are plenty of books available, and websites, as well, filled with quotes. I read them regularly. But we all pick out certain quotes that either have to do with our current situations, or ones that we like more than the majority of others. No rants or blogs. Just a daily thought, quote, etc. You can save it to your link, and check it whenever you want, or type in your email on the right, to follow Claw, and you'll receive an email anytime I publish a thought for the day. There are additional thoughts from other sources, located to the right, such as buddha, bruce lee, darth vader, poems, etc. Here is the first, which ironically, is the first in my book of quotes. Enjoy.

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom. 
- Merry Browne

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